tmath::sparse::SparseLU Class Reference

Base class of LU solvers. It already implements the standard LU decomposition. More...

#include <sparsesolver.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for tmath::sparse::SparseLU:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for tmath::sparse::SparseLU:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { CompleteFactorization = Eigen::CompleteFactorization, IncompleteFactorization = Eigen::IncompleteFactorization, MemoryEfficient = Eigen::MemoryEfficient }

Public Member Functions

virtual bool Compute (SparseMatrix &)
 computes the factorization, returns true if succeeded
virtual void SetFlags (int flag)
virtual void SetPrecision (double prec)
virtual bool Solve (const Matrix &b, Matrix &x)
virtual bool SolveInPlace (Matrix &b)
 SparseLU ()
 default constructor
virtual std::string typeIdent () const
 returns the name of the datatype
virtual ~SparseLU ()

Private Types

typedef Eigen::SparseLU
< TSparseMatrix > 

Private Member Functions

const TSolver & solver () const
TSolver & solver ()

Private Attributes

TSolver m_solver

Detailed Description

Base class of LU solvers. It already implements the standard LU decomposition.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool tmath::sparse::SparseLU::Solve ( const Matrix b,
Matrix x 
) [virtual]

Solves the given vector on return; returns true if succeeded

Reimplemented from tmath::sparse::SparseSolver.

Reimplemented in tmath::sparse::SparseSuperLU, and tmath::sparse::SparseLUUmfPack.

virtual bool tmath::sparse::SparseLU::SolveInPlace ( Matrix b  )  [virtual]

Factorizes this matrix and solves the given vector in place; returns true if succeeded

Reimplemented from tmath::sparse::SparseSolver.

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