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/se3-clonage/sources/quitte_se3/ -> _FileListToArrayEx.au3 (source)

   1  ;===============================================================================
   2  ;
   3  ; Description: lists all or preferred files and or folders in a specified path (Similar to using Dir with the /B Switch)
   4  ; Syntax: _FileListToArrayEx($sPath, $sFilter = '*.*', $iFlag = 0, $sExclude = '')
   5  ; Parameter(s): $sPath = Path to generate filelist for
   6  ; $sFilter = The filter to use. Search the Autoit3 manual for the word "WildCards" For details, support now for multiple searches
   7  ; Example *.exe; *.txt will find all .exe and .txt files
   8  ; $iFlag = determines weather to return file or folders or both.
   9  ; $sExclude = exclude a file from the list by all or part of its name
  10  ; Example: Unins* will remove all files/folders that start with Unins
  11  ; $iFlag=0(Default) Return both files and folders
  12  ; $iFlag=1 Return files Only
  13  ; $iFlag=2 Return Folders Only
  14  ;
  15  ; Requirement(s): None
  16  ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an array containing the list of files and folders in the specified path
  17  ; On Failure - Returns the an empty string "" if no files are found and sets @Error on errors
  18  ; @Error or @extended = 1 Path not found or invalid
  19  ; @Error or @extended = 2 Invalid $sFilter or Invalid $sExclude
  20  ; @Error or @extended = 3 Invalid $iFlag
  21  ; @Error or @extended = 4 No File(s) Found
  22  ;
  23  ; Author(s): SmOke_N
  24  ; Note(s): The array returned is one-dimensional and is made up as follows:
  25  ; $array[0] = Number of Files\Folders returned
  26  ; $array[1] = 1st File\Folder
  27  ; $array[2] = 2nd File\Folder
  28  ; $array[3] = 3rd File\Folder
  29  ; $array[n] = nth File\Folder
  30  ;
  31  ; All files are written to a "reserved" .tmp file (Thanks to gafrost) for the example
  32  ; The Reserved file is then read into an array, then deleted
  33  ;===============================================================================
  34  #include-once
  36  Func _FileListToArrayEx($sPath, $sFilter = '*.*', $iFlag = 0, $sExclude = '', $iRecurse = False)
  37  If Not FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, '')
  38  If $sFilter = -1 Or $sFilter = Default Then $sFilter = '*.*'
  39  If $iFlag = -1 Or $iFlag = Default Then $iFlag = 0
  40  If $sExclude = -1 Or $sExclude = Default Then $sExclude = ''
  41  Local $aBadChar[6] = ['\', '/', ':', '>', '<', '|']
  42  $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, '\s*;\s*', ';')
  43  If StringRight($sPath, 1) <> '\' Then $sPath &= '\'
  44  For $iCC = 0 To 5
  45  If StringInStr($sFilter, $aBadChar[$iCC]) Or _
  46  StringInStr($sExclude, $aBadChar[$iCC]) Then Return SetError(2, 2, '')
  47  Next
  48  If StringStripWS($sFilter, 8) = '' Then Return SetError(2, 2, '')
  49  If Not ($iFlag = 0 Or $iFlag = 1 Or $iFlag = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 3, '')
  50  Local $oFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject"), $sTFolder
  51  $sTFolder = $oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)
  52  Local $hOutFile = @TempDir & $oFSO.GetTempName
  53  If Not StringInStr($sFilter, ';') Then $sFilter &= ';'
  54  Local $aSplit = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sFilter, 8), ';'), $sRead, $sHoldSplit
  55  For $iCC = 1 To $aSplit[0]
  56  If StringStripWS($aSplit[$iCC],8) = '' Then ContinueLoop
  57  If StringLeft($aSplit[$iCC], 1) = '.' And _
  58  UBound(StringSplit($aSplit[$iCC], '.')) - 2 = 1 Then $aSplit[$iCC] = '*' & $aSplit[$iCC]
  59  $sHoldSplit &= '"' & $sPath & $aSplit[$iCC] & '" '
  60  Next
  61  $sHoldSplit = StringTrimRight($sHoldSplit, 1)
  62  If $iRecurse Then
  63  RunWait(@Comspec & ' /c dir /b /s /a ' & $sHoldSplit & ' > "' & $hOutFile & '"', '', @SW_HIDE)
  64  Else
  65  RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c dir /b /a ' & $sHoldSplit & ' /o-e /od > "' & $hOutFile & '"', '', @SW_HIDE)
  66  EndIf
  67  $sRead &= FileRead($hOutFile)
  68  If Not FileExists($hOutFile) Then Return SetError(4, 4, '')
  69  FileDelete($hOutFile)
  70  If StringStripWS($sRead, 8) = '' Then SetError(4, 4, '')
  71  Local $aFSplit = StringSplit(StringTrimRight(StringStripCR($sRead), 1), @LF)
  72  Local $sHold
  73  For $iCC = 1 To $aFSplit[0]
  74  If $sExclude And StringLeft($aFSplit[$iCC], _
  75  StringLen(StringReplace($sExclude, '*', ''))) = StringReplace($sExclude, '*', '') Then ContinueLoop
  76  Switch $iFlag
  77  Case 0
  78  If StringRegExp($aFSplit[$iCC], '\w:\\') = 0 Then
  79  $sHold &= $sPath & $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1)
  80  Else
  81  $sHold &= $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1)
  82  EndIf
  83  Case 1
  84  If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & '\' & $aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') = 0 And _
  85  StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') = 0 Then
  86  If StringRegExp($aFSplit[$iCC], '\w:\\') = 0 Then
  87  $sHold &= $sPath & $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1)
  88  Else
  89  $sHold &= $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1)
  90  EndIf
  91  EndIf
  92  Case 2
  93  If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & '\' & $aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') Or _
  94  StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($aFSplit[$iCC]), 'd') Then
  95  If StringRegExp($aFSplit[$iCC], '\w:\\') = 0 Then
  96  $sHold &= $sPath & $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1)
  97  Else
  98  $sHold &= $aFSplit[$iCC] & Chr(1)
  99  EndIf
 100  EndIf
 101  EndSwitch
 102  Next
 103  If StringTrimRight($sHold, 1) Then Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sHold, 1), Chr(1))
 104  Return SetError(4, 4, '')
 105  EndFunc
 108  ;$sPath="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\arbo"
 109  ;$sFilter = '*.*'
 110  ;$iFlag=1
 111  ;$sExclude = ''
 112  ;$iRecurse=True
 113  ;$TAB=_FileListToArrayEx($sPath, $sFilter, $iFlag, $sExclude, $iRecurse)
 114  ;For $i = 0 To UBound($TAB) -1
 115  ;MsgBox(0,"Info","$TAB["&$i&"]=" & $TAB[$i])
 116  ;Next

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1