Starvoyager - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux


🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Starvoyager 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2D
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Space Exploration & Warfare ➤ Misc. 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Arcade; Space Shooter; Star Trek; Exploration; Casual; Sci-fi; Open World; Gun Customization; Local Multi; PvP; PvE ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single & Multi
🐓️ Latest: 2002-11-14 🚦 Status: 05. Tested & Working (status)
📍️ Version: 0.4.4 ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 🕊️ Libre 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Code: BSD / Artwork: LGPL ✨️ (temporary): 4 stars
🐛️ Created: 2010-08-20 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

📦️ Deliverables

📦️ Package name: starvoyager ..... 📦️ Arch:
📄️ Source: ✓ ..... 📦️ RPM:
⚙️ Generic binary: ✓ ..... 📦️ Deb: ✓
🌍️ Browser version: ..... 📦️ AppImage:
📱️ PDA support: ..... 📦️ Flatpak:
✨️ Not use: ..... 📦️ Snap:

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 12983

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A space combat and exploration game set in the Star Trek universe, playable as both a multiplayer and single player game. 📜️[fr]: Un jeu de combat et d'exploration spatiale dont l'action se déroule dans l'univers de Star Trek

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos t(202xxx) gd(202xxx) gu(202xxx) r(202xxx) g(202xxx) g[fr](202xxx) g[de](202xxx)] [WIKI] [FAQ] [RSS] [Changelog 1 2 3]

💰 Commercial
• (empty)

🍩️ Resources
(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

🛠️ Technical informations

🦣️ Social
Devs (Starvoyager Team [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
The Project: [Blog] [Chat] [Forums] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [reddit] [Discord] [PressKit]

🐝️ Related
[The Linux Game Tome] [Debian/Ubuntu]

📦️ Misc. repositories [Repology] [] [Generic binary] [Arch Linux / AUR] [openSUSE] [Debian/Ubuntu] [Flatpak] [AppImage(author's repo)] [Snap] [PortableLinuxGames]

🕵️ Reviews
[HowLongToBeat] [metacritic] [OpenCritic] [iGDB]

🕊️ Source of this Entry: [Site (date)]

🦣️ Social Networking Update (on mastodon)

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Star Voyager is a space combat and exploration game set in the Star Trek universe. It uses the SDL library for portability and should compile on any platform supporting SDL and Standard C.

It is currently at version 0.4.4 and playable as both a multiplayer and single player game. The code is licensed under the BSD license with LGPL-ed components, details included in all downloads.

Star Voyager is designed to be a rather flexible, open ended game. Instead of any kind of storyline, you choose which alliance you begin with, and work your way through the ranks, completing missions in a style akin to Frontier Elite.

The current version does not yet implement missions, but has sophisticated multiplayer support, if you feel like shooting up your friends.

Features unique to Star Trek are already included, such as ship designs straight out of the TV series, plus cloaking devices, warp drive transporters and phasers.

🍥️ Debian:

2D space arcade game, themed around 'Star Trek' - binary

Star Voyager is a Frontier/Elite class game in a more arcade style 2D environment, themed to the 'Star Trek' universe. It utilizes the SDL library for portability.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de combat et d'exploration spatiale dont l'action se déroule dans l'univers de Star Trek, par la Starvoyager Team (Richard Thrippleton + contributeurs).

Starvoyager est un jeu en 2D de combat et d'exploration spatiale mono et multijoueur dont l'action se déroule dans l'univers de Star Trek.

Starvoyager est conçu pour être un jeu plutôt flexible, avec une fin ouverte. Au lieu de tout type de scénario, vous choisissez alliance avec laquelle démarrer, et vous vous frayez un chemin dans les classements, accomplissant des missions dans un style semblable à Frontier Elite.

La version actuelle ne met pas encore en œuvre des missions, mais dispose d'un support multijoueur sophistiqué, s'il vous prend l'envie de faire un carton sur vos amis.

Des fonctionnalités uniques propres à Star Trek sont déjà incluses, tels que la conception de vaisseaux tout droit sortis de la série TV, ainsi que des dispositifs d'invisibilité, des transporteurs à moteur à distorsion et des phasers.

Starvoyager Team :

I credit myself, the author, Richard Thrippleton


• Andreas Schiffler supplied SDL_rotozoom code and was kind enough to bend the licensing a little
• Nick Taylor, Jonathan Irwin and Ronny Bangsund helped with testing and miscellaneous hacking
• Eugenia Loli-Queru helped me get the code portable enough to compile on BeOS
• Idan Sofer gave enormous help with debugging the maths, and also for continued support and suggestions
• Andy Davidson was good enough to provide a machine for the Star Voyager public server
• And finally Sam Lantinga for writing SDL

🍥️ Debian:

jeu d’arcade spatial 2D au thème d’inspiration Star Trek

Star Voyager est un jeu de type Frontier ou Elite dans un environnement plus de style arcade 2D, dont le thème s’inspire de l’univers Star Trek. Il utilise la bibliothèque SDL pour être portable.

🕵️ Test [fr]

🕵️ Test (0.4.4):
L'interface aurait besoin d'un petit rafraichissement.