Space Pirates and Zombies - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Space Pirates and Zombies

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Space Pirates and Zombies 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2D Top-Down
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Space Exploration & Warfare ➤ Misc. 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Space Combat; Shooter; Action; Strategy; Adventure; Exploration; Procedural Generation; Physics; Sci-fi; Sandbox; Pirates ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2012-10-06 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 4 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 12708

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A top down space combat and adventure game with RTS elements. In a distant future, the discovery of a new element (the Rez) enabled interstellar travels with warp gate network. With the colonizations came diseases, and many governments have collapsed. A police-dictatorship (UTA) ended these trips. Rumors of endless and hidden motherlode of Rez near the galactic core prompted miners and pirates to try their luck. The player take the role of a pirate assembling and directing a fleet of ships to participate in the movement. 📜️[fr]: Un jeu de combat spatial en vue du dessus et d'aventure avec des éléments de RTS. Dans un avenir lointain, la découverte d'un nouvel élément (le Rez) a permis le voyage inter-stellaire via des portes de distorsion. Avec les colonisations vinrent les maladies et la chute de nombreux gouvernements. Une police-dictature (UTA) mit fin à ces voyages. Des rumeurs de gisements importants de Rez près du coeur galactique poussèrent des mineurs et pirates à tenter leur chance. Le joueur incarne un pirate assemblant et dirigeant une flotte de vaisseaux pour participer au mouvement.

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

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🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
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(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

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🕵️ Reviews
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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️


At its core, Space Pirates and Zombies is an action based, skill oriented, top down space combat game. It's similar to the ones we knew and loved in years past, but now using full physics simulation and modern graphics for those oh so pretty explosions. But as you dig deeper, SPAZ becomes much more.


Space Pirates and Zombies takes place far enough in the future that Earth has become a toxic backwater planet, so potentially not that far in the future. The galaxy has been colonized by humans, and the only means to travel to new star systems is through highly restricted and well defended warp gates. It is well known that systems closer to the galactic core become richer and richer as well as more scientifically advanced. This has led to theories of a secret system with a cache of treasure or knowledge at the galactic core feeding this growth. As a pirate, you must assemble a fleet and discover what treasure awaits you there.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Space Pirates and Zombies (S.P.A.Z.) is a real-time strategy video game released on August 15, 2011, on the Steam distribution platform. with a top-down perspective based around space combat. The game was developed by a two-man team under the studio MinMax Games using the Torque engine. The game was later ported for Mac OS X and Linux systems.

A sequel, Space Pirates and Zombies 2, was announced on February 5, 2014, and was set to be released in the 1st quarter of 2015, but it has been delayed until 2016. Space Pirates and Zombies 2 is currently in Early Access on Steam and is set to be released on November 7, 2017.


S.P.A.Z. integrates top down shooter gameplay with role-playing video game and real-time strategy elements within a futuristic space setting. The game also features large-scale randomly generated galaxies to explore. Players command a fleet of ships, and may control any one of their ships individually at a time. The galaxy is organized into systems, each system containing a star and a set of planet bodies and areas which may be "warped" to via an in-game map. These areas may contain faction stations where trade, missions, or sieges may take place. The player's standing with the faction affects what services the station will give you. Players can improve their faction standings through missions and level up their fleet through missions and combat.

When controlling the craft players can fire the craft's main weapons, fire alternative weapons such as missiles, or launch shuttlecraft filled with marines. The view of the game world can be scrolled in or out, enabling a distant view or a closer view for combat. Combat involves positioning your ship to hit the enemy with your weapons while dodging enemy fire, and tactically deploying larger weapons such as minefields and mass bombs. Each vessel has different shields, armor and hull types and each is strong or weak against certain types of weapon, encouraging players to diversify within their own fleets in order to engage different enemies. Initially gameplay involves interacting with the UTA or Civilian factions, depending on the player's standing with them in the current star system. Shortly into the game a faction of Bounty Hunters is introduced, and later in the game a fourth and even more dangerous faction appears.

Three types of resources are available in-game; Rez, Goons and Data. Rez is the material that is mined from asteroids and is used to build ships and buy technology. Goons are crew members found in ejected escape pods or bought from colony worlds, and are used to crew your ships and can be gifted to factions to improve relations. Data represents gathered technology and forms the basis for the game's experience system; the more the player destroys enemies and completes quests, the more Data is rewarded which can then be spent on upgrading the various aspects of the fleet.

There are currently 43 different types of controllable ships split into 5 size categories; Tiny, Small, Medium, Large and Huge. These can be fitted with a variety of weaponry such as lasers, cannons, torpedoes, guided missiles, mass bombs, fighter drones and mines whilst the ships themselves can be customised with different types of propulsion, reactors, shields, stealth technology and various utility boosters making them more effective in certain situations.


Humanity has expanded throughout the galaxy after the discovery of the miraculous Element 126, colloquially known as 'Rez', which enabled matter replication technology (including cloning), advanced artificial intelligence and faster than light travel in the form of the warp gate network. With more of the new element found near the galactic core, the outer worlds, including Earth, have become neglected backwaters. With humanity now numbering in the thousands of trillions across thousands of planets, the spread of interplanetary diseases caused the collapse of many human governments. A totalitarian militaristic police force called the United Terran Alliance (or UTA) stepped in to fill the void and began to strictly police access to the warp gates. Civilian access to interstellar travel was abolished in what was described as a 'temporary move' but this state of affairs has existed for over 1000 years. With humanity living in the decaying remnants of its past glory the civilian populations of many sectors rose up against the UTA in the vicious 'Lockdown Wars' over control of space travel and the supply of Rez.

There has always been rumoured to be an endless and hidden motherlode of Rez in the galactic core, but none have ever managed to find it. Chasing this dream, thousands of miners and pirates in the Earth system band together to take on the UTA and claim their fortune.


For years the Pirates of the Earth system, under the command of explorer Don Gibson, second-in-command Elsa Young and former UTA scientist Dr. Carl Memford, have been constructing a massive armed mothership named the Clockwork to take on the warring UTA and Civilian fleets between them and the galactic core. After allying with the Rez miners in the Earth system, the Clockwork crew blast their way through the UTA blockade at the system's warp gate and head into the wider galaxy. This brings them into conflict with the high ranking UTA commander Admiral Jamison who doggedly attempts to stop them reaching the heavily guarded Core Worlds.

After acquiring the technology necessary to access the Core Worlds the Clockwork crew discover that the Core Worlds are overrun with a horrific biomechanical pandemic that fuses living tissue into ship systems to create an all consuming hiveminded fleet of Zombies. It becomes apparent that the UTA had been battling this infection for over 200 years and the added security measures for accessing the Core Worlds were not to keep Civilians and Pirates out but to keep the Zombie infection in. The Clockwork battles on and eventually discovers a hidden alien warp gate into the galactic center - there it discovers an extremely ancient and hostile alien intelligence known as the 'Dark Entity' which is both the source of all Rez in the galaxy and the controlling intelligence of the Zombies.

To the horror of his crew, captain Don Gibson immediately defects to the Dark Entity and the Clockwork is infected and transformed into a Zombie superweapon. The remaining crew are only saved by the intervention of Admiral Jamison, who then retreat in shock. Don reveals that he had encountered the Dark Entity over 200 years ago and was enslaved and dispatched as a means of securing the success of its infection by destroying the UTA's blockade on interstellar travel, with the Entity prolonging his lifespan in order to do so.

The Zombie infection quickly spreads throughout the entire galaxy, with the crew of the Clockwork becoming widely hated and cursed for bringing about the apparent end of humanity. Seeking to save the galaxy, and to get revenge on Gibson, Elsa Young takes command of the Pirates and spends the next 2 years creating a new mothership - Clockwork 2. With the help of Admiral Jamison and other allies, the Pirate fleet fights its way back through Zombie space to the realm of the Dark Entity and destroys it, Gibson and the original Clockwork.

The fate of humanity is left in question, as the Rez it so desperately depended on can now no longer be replenished. Choosing not to dwell on this the Pirates instead devote themselves to destroying every trace of the Zombie infection.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de combat spatial en vue du dessus et d'aventure avec des éléments de RTS, par le studio MinMax Games.
Il utilise le moteur Torque3D (du studio

Space Pirates and Zombies (S.P.A.Z.) est un jeu de combat spatial en vue du dessus et d'aventure avec des éléments de RTS rappelant les bons vieux jeux de salles d'arcades mais avec les technologies actuelles (graphisme, moteur physique, galaxies générées de manière procédurale, ...). Dans un avenir lointain, la découverte d'un nouvel élément (le Rez) a permis le voyage inter-stellaire via des portes de distorsion. Avec les colonisations vinrent les maladies et la chute de nombreux gouvernements. Une police-dictature (UTA) mit fin à ces voyages. Des rumeurs de gisements importants de Rez près du coeur galactique poussèrent des mineurs et des pirates à tenter leur chance. Le joueur incarne un pirate assemblant et dirigeant une flotte de vaisseaux pour participer au mouvement.


À la base, Space Pirates and Zombies est un jeu de combat spatial en vue du dessus, axé sur l'action et les compétences. Il est similaire à ceux que nous connaissions et aimions depuis des années, mais maintenant nous utilisons une simulation de physique complète et des graphismes modernes pour ces explosions si jolies. Mais en creusant plus profondément, SPAZ devient beaucoup plus.


Space Pirates et Zombies se déroulent assez loin dans le futur pour que la Terre soit devenue une planète d'eau morte et toxique, donc potentiellement pas si loin dans le futur. La galaxie a été colonisée par des humains, et le seul moyen de voyager vers de nouveaux systèmes stellaires est de franchir des portes de distorsion très restreintes et bien défendues. Il est bien connu que les systèmes les plus proches du noyau galactique deviennent de plus en plus riches ainsi que plus avancés scientifiquement. Cela a conduit à des théories d'un système secret avec une cache de trésors ou de connaissances au cœur galactique alimentant cette croissance. En tant que pirate, vous devez assembler une flotte et découvrir quel trésor vous y attend.