Saints Row III - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Saints Row III

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Saints Row III 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Adventure & Action 👁️ Visual: 3D
🏷️ Category: Adventure & Action ➤ TPS ➤ Contemporary ➤ Vehicular Combat 🏝️ Perspective: Behind view
🔖 Tags: Action; Adventure; Shooter; Vehicular Combat; TPS; Crime; Open World; Zombies; Sandbox; Character Customization; Comedy; Funny; Satire; Female Protagonist; Open World; Non-linear; Sci-fi; Co-op; Weather; Day & Night ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single & Multi
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2016-04-17 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14949

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A 2011 open world action-adventure video game. It is the third title in the Saints Row series. As in the previous games, the player-character leads the Third Streets Saints gang in a turf war against three rival gangs using a variety of weapons and vehicles in single-player and cooperative play. The series, and especially this title, is known for its crazy scenarios and lighthearted gameplay. 📜️[fr]: Le 3ème opus (sorti en 2011) de cette série au ton déjanté s'apparentant à un GTA-like en vision objective dans un monde ouvert, axé sur la guerre des gangs, dans lequel le joueur incarne le chef d'un gang dénommé les "Saints". Dans cet épisode, les "Saints" braquent une banque ignorant qu'elle appartenait au Syndicat, ce qui déclenche à nouveau une guerre de gang à Steelport.

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

🕸️ Links

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[Wikipedia (Saints Row: The Third) [fr] [en] [de]]
[Wikipedia (Saints Row) [fr] [en] [de]]

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📕 Description [en]

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Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you.
The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. Refusing to kneel to the Syndicate, you take the fight to Steelport, a once-proud metropolis reduced to a struggling city of sin under Syndicate control.
Take a tank skydiving, call in a satellite-targeted airstrike on a Mexican wrestling gang, and defend yourself against a highly-trained military force using only a sex toy in the most out- landish gameplay scenarios ever seen, igniting a city-wide war that will set Steelport on fire. Strap it on.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Saints Row: The Third (also known as Saints Row 3 or Saints Row III) is a 2011 open world action-adventure video game developed by Volition and published by THQ. It is the third title in the Saints Row series. As in the previous games, the player-character leads the Third Streets Saints gang in a turf war against three rival gangs using a variety of weapons and vehicles in single-player and cooperative play. The series, and especially this title, is known for its crazy scenarios and lighthearted gameplay. It was released on November 15, 2011 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, and later abroad.

Game development began by late 2008. There was high staff turnover from the previous Saints Row team with one-fifth of the final 100-person staff having worked on a previous title in the series. They aimed to improve on the series by giving the game a coherent tone, and found it in films such as Hot Fuzz and the game's signature sex toy bat. Saints Row: The Third was built using the Havok physics engine.

The game received "generally favorable" reviews, according to video game review score aggregator Metacritic. Reviewers noted its general zaniness and praised its customization options. Critics thought the setting was insipid and that its humor occasionally fell flat, and others thought the game perfected the Saints Row formula. It was a nominee for Best Narrative at the 2012 Game Developers Conference, an IGN Editor's Choice, and a recipient of perfect scores from GamesRadar and G4. A complete edition including the three downloadable content packs was released a year after the original release, and its planned Enter the Dominatrix expansion became the game's sequel, Saints Row IV.


Saints Row: The Third is an action-adventure game played from the third-person perspective in an open world, such that players explore an unrestricted environment. Similar to the premise of the previous Saints Row games, the player's goal is to lead the Third Street Saints gang to overtake its rival gangs in the city turf war. While the protagonist is the same, the game introduces a new setting, the city of Steelport, with its new gangs: the Morningstar, Luchadores, and Deckers, together known as the Syndicate. Once The Syndicate is defeated, the government's Special Tactical Anti-Gang unit (STAG) is summoned to quell the Saints. The Third is the first in the series to intertwine the narratives of its three-gang structures, and also presents the player with story-altering decisions.
Screenshot of gameplay: a vehicle explodes and ambient challenge progress is displayed on the right

The series has historically been considered a clone of Grand Theft Auto that later positioned itself as more "gleefully silly" in comparison. In combat, players select weapons from a weapon selection wheel, including regular pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, and rocket launchers alongside special weapons such as UAV drones and a fart-in-a-jar stun grenade. Player melee attacks include running attacks such as DDTs and a purple dildo bat. Players may use vehicles to navigate the city, including a hover jet (known as the F-69 VTOL) and a pixelated retrogame tank that are unlocked through story missions. Once special vehicles are unlocked, they are in unlimited supply and can be delivered directly to the player-character's location. Player actions are intensified with what Volition calls the "awesome button", where for example the player will divekick through the windshield into the driver's seat of a car. The main story campaign missions can be played alone, or cooperatively either online or via System Link offline. Some elements are added to the campaign for the second player. There is no competitive multiplayer, but a "wave-based survival mode" called Whored Mode that supports up to two players.

Players customize their characters after the introductory mission. Player-character bodies, dress, and vehicles can be customized, as well as home properties. Players can additionally share their character designs in a Saints Row online community. Apart from the main story missions, there are optional diversions to make money and earn reputation, such as Insurance Fraud, where players hurt themselves in traffic to maximize self-injury before a timer expires, or Mayhem, where players maximize property destruction before a time expires. Some of these diversions were introduced in previous Saints Row games. Activities serve the plot and are positioned as training the player-character or damaging the Syndicate. They can also be repeated. Outside of structured diversions, players are free to make their own fun by purchasing property, shopping for items, finding hidden sex doll and money cache collectibles, and wreaking unsolicited havoc. There are also "flashpoint" gang operations that grant respect when disrupted. Attacking others increases the player's notoriety level, as depicted with stars.

Saints Row: The Third introduced experience levels and weapon upgrades to the series. Most actions in the game come with incentives in the form of money and respect (reputation). Money buys land, weapons, and other upgrades, and respect is a kind of experience point that can unlock player abilities like "no damage from falling" or "infinite sprint", as well as upgrades to the player's computer-controlled gang member support. In turn, players receive further incentive to nearly miss car collisions, streak naked through the streets, shoot others in the groin, blow up Smart cars, and kill mascots in ambient challenges to earn more respect. Lack of respect does not hinder story progress, as it has in previous games. Player progress and unlocks are managed by an in-game cell phone menu that also lets the player call for vehicle deliveries and non-player character backup. The computer-controlled support will also dialogue with each other.

📕 Description [fr]

Un GTA-like dans lequel le joueur incarne le chef d'un gang dénommé les "Saints", par le studio Deep Silver Volition (Volition), portage Linux par le studio Virtual Programming.

Saints Row II est le 3ème opus (sorti en 2011) de cette série au ton déjanté s'apparentant à un GTA-like en vision objective dans un monde ouvert, axé sur la guerre des gangs, dans lequel le joueur incarne le chef d'un gang dénommé les "Saints".
Dans cet épisode, les "Saints" braquent une banque ignorant qu'elle appartenait au Syndicat, ce qui déclenche à nouveau une guerre de gang à Steelport.


Des années après avoir conquis Stilwater, les Third Street Saints ont évolué pour devenir une véritable marque de fabrique. Baskets Saints, boissons Saints et la figurine de Johnny Gat sont disponibles dans votre supermarché.

Les Saints sont les rois de Stilwater, mais leur célébrité fait des envieux. Le Syndicat, une fraternité criminelle rançonne les Saints. Refusant de vous plier à leurs exigences vous vous rendez dans leur fief pour mettre fin à cette situation.

Faites du skydiving en tank, appelez des frappes satellites pour contrer un gang mexicain et défendez-vous contre les forces para-militaires. Mettez Steelport à feu et à sang.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Saints Row: The Third (ou Saints Row 3) est un jeu vidéo développé par Volition, Inc. et édité par THQ en 2011 sur PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 et Windows. Le jeu s'apparente à un GTA-like axé sur la guerre des gangs. Officiellement dévoilé lors de l'E3 2011, le jeu est sorti en novembre 2011.


Quelques années après le triomphe de Stilwater, les Saints sont très connus grâce à l'entreprise Ultor conquise à Stilwater : vestimentaire, boissons énergétiques, figurine à l'effigie de Johnny Gat (devenu un héros depuis le précédent volet), etc ... Mais lorsque le chef des Saints, Johnny Gat, Shaundi et Josh Birk braquent une banque en ignorant que la banque appartient au Syndicat, une grande société de la pègre, capture le chef, Gat et Shaundi. Dans l'avion, le Syndicat se présente. On apprend que le dirigeant est Philip Loren, un Belge. On apprend également que Viola et Kiki DeWynter, sœurs jumelles, sont les secondes de Loren. Il leur propose un marché : leur laisser la vie sauve si elles leur donnent 66 % de leurs profits (Et ce, avant les taxes évidemment). Bien entendu, les Saints vont explicitement refuser et déclarer une nouvelle guerre de gang, cette fois-ci à Steelport. Dans ce jeu, il y a des éléments de science fiction. Comme des clones, des humains génétiquement modifiés ou des armes et engins futuristes.

Système de jeu
Article détaillé : Univers de Saints Row: The Third.

Il s'agit d'un GTA-Like comme dans Saints Row 2, joué à la troisième personne. Le personnage que l'on joue est choisi après la première mission. Le joueur peut le personnaliser selon ses propres souhaits : Homme ou femme, obèse, anorexique, athlétique, ainsi que les formes du visage : yeux, nez, menton, crâne, oreilles, mâchoire... La couleur de peau varie entre différentes couleurs (violet, or, argent, vert, rose, peau huilée, etc...). Lors de la première mission, le personnage joué se trouve dans une combinaison à l’effigie de Johnny Gat et est doublé avec un voicecoder.

Le jeu se déroule dans un monde ouvert. Il est permis de conduire et de personnaliser différents types de véhicules, comme :

• Voitures de tout types (sportives, familiale, urbaine, SUV....)
• Motos de tout types (course, route, cross...)
• Hélicoptères
• Avions, de tourisme ou jet privé
• Bateaux
• Jet ski
• Chars d'assauts
• Véhicules militaires de transports (Hum-vee, transports blindés)
• Etc ...

On peut également citer les véhicules STAG (avions capables de vol stationnaire, hélicoptère rapides etc.). La STAG dispose également de chars d'assaut et de motos volantes.

Le jeu permet également l'utilisation d'armes de tout type et parfois délirantes: le fameux Penetrator, la Nocturne (une grande épée utilisée par les Deckers) ou des UZIs dématérialisés. On retrouve également les A-poings-calypse au cours de l'histoire.